Impérial Harmonie Sleeping System

Manufactured in France

Noble & natural materials

Supple, medium, firm, or extra-firm

Developed and perfected over the course of our long history, this sleeping sytem features Air Spring® pocket spring and generous layers of Talalay, wool and cotton. Talalay provides an enveloping comfort and an extra soft welcome. The Impérial Harmonie is an excellent choice for stomach or side sleepers, ensuring an extremely comfortable sleep.

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Home Products THE SLEEPING SYSTEM Impérial Harmonie
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Mattress Topper

Height: 3,1 in

Merino d’Arles wool, wool and camel wool, linen-silk-cashmere, and wool

Embroideries and handles on request

Height: 11,4 in – Tension: Supple, medium, firm or extra-firm – Comfort: Supple – Suspension: Air Spring® pocket spring

Talalay, Wool, Cotton, Kermel® and viscose

Integral tufting, embroideries, handles and aerators

Height: 5,1 – 5,9 – 6,6 – 8,6 (standard: 6,6 in) – Tension: Firm

Spring and Pine wood

Traditional shell frame, quilted flat strip, choice of decorative fabric

Height: 3,1 in

Merino d’Arles wool, wool and camel wool, linen-silk-cashmere, and wool

Embroideries and handles on request

Height: 11,4 in – Tension: Supple, medium, firm or extra-firm – Comfort: Supple – Suspension: Air Spring® pocket spring

Talalay, Wool, Cotton, Kermel® and viscose

Integral tufting, embroideries, handles and aerators

Height: 5,1 – 5,9 – 6,6 – 8,6 (standard: 6,6 in) – Tension: Firm

Spring and Pine wood

Traditional shell frame, quilted flat strip, choice of decorative fabric

Create your own bed

Tréca Paris offers the dream bed in which the mattress topper, mattress and bed base are manufactured and presented as a single unit called the Sleeping System, guaranteeing made-to-measure comfort.
Each Sleeping System can be completed with the headboard and footboard of your choice, according to your needs and desires.

Create your own bed by customizing your Sleeping System with Tréca fabrics, leather or your own fabric.
Our Tréca beds are available in a wide variety of sizes and decorations, offering many options. Our Tréca experts are at your service to help you choose and customize your Sleeping System.

Since 1935

Pocket springs

Natural materials



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